When a conversation takes a weird turn:

“I think everybody’s weird. We should all celebrate our individuality and not be embarrassed or ashamed of it.”  – Johnny Depp.

Comic Strip Project – Day 3:

A Dangerous Conversation:

Talking with friends, you talk about similar things that interest you, its enjoyable for all involved.
However theres always those conversations that take “a weird turn” someone will say something odd, then the other person will also say something weird (you know how it goes…right, don’t judge me) from then then on it becomes a competition to see who will run out of weird stuff to say first, or just decide its got too weird.

The example above is a Skype conversation that started of normally with a friend from my class (poor Emma, she never saw it coming).
She managed to hold her own in this testament to weird and after we we’re done we both agreed it had to become the daily comic strip, and thus, I present to you “A dangerous conversation
You’re welcome….?
If you’re still reading these blog posts, then thank you for reading what I have to say, you’re the true hero *gives medal*
(not everyday a blog post gives you a medal am I right) <— He’s right

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